Products > Stock Library



© Helifilms Australia - Hurricane Katrina - available for licence through Getty Images.
See our licenced Katrina footage here and our stills images here.


Helifilms has a comprehensive database of stills and footage shot on both 35mm and High Def using Cineflex V14 gyrostabilised cameras. We have shot all over the world, from the UK, Southern Ireland, France, Denmark, Netherlands, the Middle East, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Arctic and everywhere in between.

We licence our footage through Getty Images. If you have a specific shot you require you can email us and we can supply you with a thumbnail version of movie clips. Or to see relevant footage from our licensed material you can ...

1) Visit the Getty Images website for an in-depth search here.
2) Visit the Helifilms Youtube channel for a selection of our clips .